Country star Craig Morgan took issue with Seth Rogen after the actor posted a tweet mocking "American Sniper."
On Sunday, Rogen tweeted that he felt Clint Eastwood's new movie, which focuses on deceased Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, reminded him of "Nation's Pride," a fake Nazi propaganda film featured in "Inglourious Basterds."
Morgan responded to Rogen's tweet in a Facebook post published on Monday:
Morgan wasn't the only person upset with Rogen. "I wanna kick your ass," actor Dean Cain tweeted at Rogen. Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin also took issue with "Hollywood leftists" -- presumably people such as Rogen and director Michael Moore, who also commented on "American Sniper" -- for being unhappy with the film.
On Monday night, Rogen clarified his joke, explaining that he "actually liked 'American Sniper'" and wasn't comparing the film to the fake Nazi feature.
On Sunday, Rogen tweeted that he felt Clint Eastwood's new movie, which focuses on deceased Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, reminded him of "Nation's Pride," a fake Nazi propaganda film featured in "Inglourious Basterds."
American Sniper kind of reminds me of the movie that's showing in the third act of Inglorious Basterds.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) January 18, 2015
Morgan responded to Rogen's tweet in a Facebook post published on Monday:
You are fortunate to enjoy the privilege and freedom of working in and living in the United States, and saying whatever you want (regardless of how ignorant the statement) thanks to people like Chris Kyle who serve in the United States military. Your statement is inaccurate and insensitive to Chris and his family.
I'm sick and tired of people like you running your mouth when you have no idea what it takes for this country to maintain our freedoms. If you and anyone like you don't like it, leave.
Morgan wasn't the only person upset with Rogen. "I wanna kick your ass," actor Dean Cain tweeted at Rogen. Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin also took issue with "Hollywood leftists" -- presumably people such as Rogen and director Michael Moore, who also commented on "American Sniper" -- for being unhappy with the film.
While caressing shiny plastic trophies you exchange among one another while spitting on the graves of freedom fighters who allow you to do what you do, just realize the rest of America knows you're not fit to shine Chris Kyle's combat boots.
On Monday night, Rogen clarified his joke, explaining that he "actually liked 'American Sniper'" and wasn't comparing the film to the fake Nazi feature.